How To…

Coding 101: Where to Start

This is knowledge and analysis.

There are many different coding languages.

Here, I will talk about some that I am using, and that I recommend.

Before you start anything, you have to have some basic knowledge. First, what is a programming language? It's simply a language, like English or Spanish, that a computer interpreter can understand. Does that mean a computer directly understands what the commands in the program mean? The short answer - no. The code you write gets compiled into binary, which is what the computer can understand. Imagine that you were talking to someone in a foreign country, and you had someone to translate your words so they could understand you. That is essentially what compiling is. So, now that you know what a programming language is, we can get on to learning. In order to make a simple website, you have to know three basic programming languages, which are html, css, and javascript. Before you even start learning these, I recommend that you get familiar with programming. Two great websites are and These websites can get you familiar to what coding generally looks like. First, what I learned the hard way is to find out what you want, and the technique you want to use. For instance, this website uses graceful degradation instead of progressive enhancement. Unfortunately, I can not teach you all you need to know, but here are 10 basic commands to making a website. These first ones are html.

<!DOCTYPE html>This tells the browser that I am using HTML.
<head> … </head>This tells the browser that I am telling it things only it can understand and interpret.
<body> … </body>This tells the browser that this is the content the user sees.
<h1> … </h1>This is used for big headings. Often, this will be used for the title of the page, like on this website.
<canvas> </canvas>This command can be imagined as an artist's canvas. Im my case, I "painted" a blue rectangle above.
<header> … </header>This is the very top of the page. I put my canvas and text in it.
<div> … </div>This is where you put other code in. It makes it easier to style later on, in addition to making the code easier to read.
<span> … </span>This command allows you to style text easier.
<p> … </p>This is where you put your main content in. The p stands for paragraph.
<table> … </table>This allows you to put a table in, like this.
Now, the rest is css.
html{…}This tells the browser the general style of the website.
background: url("") no-repeat fixed ;This tells the browser that the background image is at
font-size: 1em;This allows the website to be responsive, because if it's easier sizing. I recommend that you use this one - I had the least problems with it.
@media screen and (max-width: 400px) {…}This tells it to restyle differently based on the screen size. In this case, if the window width is less than 400 pixels, it will use a different set of styling.
color: white;This command allows me to make all the text white.
transition: all 0.35s ease-out;This causes an effect with the header when you resize the page. Try it!
font-family: 'Roboto Slab', serif;This will change to font of my text. In this case, it will change it to Roboto Slab
a.button:hover {…}This command allows you to style when you hover over the buttons.
text-align: center;This allows me to center the text.
line-height: 0.421em;This allows me to set the line height.
Also, always make sure you are using the latest version in order to prevent bugs. All eight businesses I surveyed had relatively up-to-date hardware and software. Here is a picture showing what they used it for.
